Sol Runar

I know what I'm capable of; I am a soldier now, a warrior. I am someone to fear, not hunt.

Personal Information...

Name: Sol

Age: Unknown

Species: Celestial

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Purple

Height: 4'10

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Face Claim: Ebba Zingmark

In the beginning....

Heaven and hell have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. God and the devil, the eternal struggle of god versus evil, the battle for the mortal soul has been in the fore front of their minds for countless eons. Pictures, books, movies, and all sorts of mediums have been used to tell the stories of these beings over and over again in hundreds of thousands of ways. The truth though is something quite different the imaging’s of the mortal mind. I should know. I am very much a part of it.

Angels as most will tell you were the first children of god or the light as some call them. However, the polar opposite of god was not eh devil or Lucifer, but the dark. An entity that we will get into a bit later. Angels and demons were among the first things to exist other than the light and the dark of course. Demons were not those humans who had sinned and were punished at least not at that time. They were a race all their own and hell was their home. Heaven was the realm and angels and between these two came to be the earth, the world that became the home of man.

God, created as we know man and many angels were displeased, but this isn’t important for my tale. No, god created man and the darkness jealous created her own race, the race called the dark ones. They were to share the earth in unity. However, humans distrusted the creatures of the dark, fearing that which they did not understand. So, they killed their king and queen. This act made their creator sad and he took the sun away. It was his hope that they would learn not to fear the dark.

A changing world...

However, a world without light was a world of eternal darkness and those who were created by such excelled. The powers of the dark ones gained and as a result they enslaved mankind. Mankind worshiped them as gods and they revealed in their roles as such. Humans suffered at their hands and the lesson that was meant to teach them not to fear the dark was a failure.

Angels wished to help but in a world without the sun there was little they could do. They begged God to do something and so he traveled to hell and asked the demons if they would protect man in exchange for man providing the things they needed. They agreed and an accord was struck many demons traveled to Earth. However, in time they to fall to corruption.

An answered prayer...

God, felt sorry for man but he didn’t want to just give them back the sun. One day a young woman traveled to the top of the mountain and she begged God for a way to protect her people. God, was so moved by her pleas that he decided to grant her request and returned the sun allowing angels to come to Earth and greatly reducing the power of the dark ones. The dark ones left the earth for their own realm, however, demons were not affected by the light in the same way. IT seemed that even though the angels were there they still had the upper hand.

It was around this time I came into being. God, said that he would create a human to become justice. This person would be given gifts to punish those demons who had forgotten their word to look after man. The prophecy came into being and the world waited to see who this champion would be. I was born in slave village and as I grew me had no knowledge that the person spoke of was me.

Prophecy fulfilled...

I was taken by a demon lord to his estate and made into his personal slave. However, I wanted more so I watched the guards practice and began to mimic them, learning how to fight by watching. I grew in skill more and more with each passing day. My master was a cruel demon and one day I turned on him and killed him. I was as surprised as anyone when he died. I knew I could fight. But, the level of skill I had was something I was unaware of. I freed his slaves and this gave birth to my army. Those who flocked to my banner calling me the chosen one. Among them was the man I would come to value above all others, Delos. He was the other half of my soul and we were connected in ways that one can’t explain.

He trusted me as did those that choose to follow me. I did what I was supposed to and set out to free those who were oppressed to punish those that broke the rules. And my powers grew every day though I still wasn’t strong enough to fight all demons. And one such demon came to want my Delos. A demoness had her eyes on him and he refused her at first. She was enraged and said she would see me dead. Delos knowing that I wasn’t strong enough yet to defeat her and her forces, agreed to go with her. He wanted to give me time to gain more power. I however couldn’t allow him to make that sacrifice. So, I went after him.

His mistress had expected this and even wanted it to happen. She believed she would gain even more status if she killed me. The so called champion of the human race. So, she set a trap and I found myself on the brink of death. To Delos it appeared that I was dead. He told her that he might have to obey her but he would never love her. She was so mad at his words that she tortured him. In the end she took his heart saying that she would have his heart even if she couldn’t have his love. He didn’t know that I was still alive but unable to move. As I lay dying and moments before his own death he made a plea with god. He asked god to let me live so that I might fulfill my role. God, granted this request and I was whole again.

A broken heart, revenge of the soul...

And I was angry so angry that I lashed out at the demoness with new powers destroying her. I set out to destroy them all. I had moved from justice to vengeance. I didn’t care who was guilty I only wanted them to suffer. So, I set out to kill the demons. Despite this anger I didn’t kill humans who were loyal and children either demon or half breed. I simply sent them back to hell. However, adults I showed no mercy. Many fled back to hell to escape my rampage.

It was only later when I had time to stop and think that I realized I had gone too far but by this time it was too late to go back. God and the ruler of hell came down to speak to me. They wanted me to stop what I was doing. It was during this conversation that the covenant of heaven and hell was struck. I didn’t want things to go back to the way it had been. So, the Earth came to belong to the race of man. There were many deals struck throughout the ages. Rules of how humans come to hell. Rules of how this and that can or can’t act. But, this deal was about demons and angels. It was the rules and guides that dictated their existence on the world.

The existence of a lost soul...

However, I had done many horrid things and as such I couldn’t go to heaven. I wasn’t good enough to deserve to go. And hell was afraid that if I went to t heir realm I would once again try and kill its people. So, where was I go but to stay on the Earth till the day that I have atoned for my sins. I serve as the role I was mean to in the beginning. Looking after mankind and trying to make up for the sins of my own past. I do not age. I remain as I have always been and as I will always be till the end of time or till I am able to remove the stain on my soul.

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